Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Was he too?

At the risk being called a copycat myself here is my attempt to draw a Calvin clip

I watched the much endearing movie "Taare Zameen Par". TZP
I really wonder if being dyslexic is half way to becoming a genius?
Full credit to the Amir Khan and team for venturing away from mainstream cinema and making such an eye opener of a movie.
It captured India/Mumbai so well,
right from eating a gola toIshaan's mom actually coming out of her house with a "duppata" on her night gown to see him off.
anyways I digress.
Any Calvin and Hobbes fan would notice the borrowed traits in Ishaan's character!
That page-flipper book Ishaan makes to portray the story of his separation from the family,
the imaginary "Bindaas Captain Ishaan" much like The Valiant Captain Spiff and not to mention the cute looking spaceships both ride in.
Though not mentioned anywhere in the comics Calvin always seemed to have a problem with numbers and in one strip the letters did fall of his pages just like in the movie :)
Now did the TZP team intentionally copy these ideas to make it a tad bit cute?... we may never know. (But even if they did I still like the movie, I just hope Bill Watterson knows about it)

and here's the hmmm inducer, was Calvin dyslexic too? hmmmmm....
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