Sunday, March 22, 2009

Inspiring few weeks

Below is a list of movies and books that I have come across in the last few weeks
Revolutionary Road(Movie):
It aptly puts forth Thoreau's words "Most men lead a life of quiet desperation"
Was also swept away by Kate Winslet's mind blowing performance.

Dead Poet's Society(Movie):
The words "Carpe Diem"- Sieze the day! is still ringing in my ears.
Sometimes you feel a movie was made just for you and this was one such.
Every scene was a book on philosophy!
Many a times before beginning my day I write these powerful words in my journal and automatically spot on I get onto something I want to achieve that day. Its been thrilling.

Leaving Microsoft To Change the World(book by John Wood):
This incredible man has lived the dream of few hundred extraordinary men. I salute you John Wood. Following the dream to provide education/books to thousands of students in the developing countries including India,Nepal,Vietnam, Cambodia, Ethiopia; you have truly changed my life.
It is incredible what one person is capable of doing driven by passion and goodwill